The Ambient Fishing Guide (Hawaiian Edition) Hawaii (mostly), Alaska, San Francisco Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP025
SP025 @BandcampThe Ambient City Guide (San Francisco Edition) San Francisco Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP027
SP027 @BandcampLa Guía Ambiental de México v.1 Mexico Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP043
SP043 @BandcampThe Ambient Water & Power Guide California Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP046
SP046 TBAChicago 2005 Chicago Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP049
SP049 TBAThe Ambient Guide To The Great Outdoors California Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP051
SP051 TBALa Guía Ambiental de México v.2 Mexico Phil Dole SECULAR PINEAPPLE SP043
SP054 TBAMore Ambient Guides.Forthcoming.
TBAMore Ambient Guides.Forthcoming.
TBAGENERAL INFOField In Stream releases have the following paramaters: (1) audio must contain field recordings (2) any other accompaniment/audio should be minimalistor ambient in approach (3) there should be a general theme to the field recordings,either by location or by subject matter (4) target length for a finished piece is 60-74 minutesany number of tracks, none less than 30 seconds long (5) there will be a short-run CDr component andreleases will go to streaming services (6) artwork for each release consists of three images(photos or other art) with no type (7) we will set type where appropriate on the CDr inlay to maintaina degree of uniformity plus add a yellow dot to front cover (8) all release titles will be in the format of either THE xxx AMBIENTGUIDE or THE AMBIENT xxx GUIDE, track titles are flexible
We view Field In Stream as memberless collaboration.If you want to handle all the audio and the three photos, great.Or just the tracks. We will also take just field recordings orambient tracks or photos we like and get them into the hands ofanother collaborator. Tells us what you've got (or what you'relooking for) and we'll see if someone else has the other piece(s).
Do not send anything without arranging it first.We love you, but our server can only handle so much at a time. (1) "finished" audio files: stereo 44.1kHz .wav (preferred) or .aif(f) files (2) "component" audio files can be discussed between collaborators (3) photos (or image art) need to be print resolution,preferably 300dpi at size printed (front and insert flap are 5"-ish plus bleed, insert panel is6" X 4 5/8"-ish plus bleed --> let us know if you need further explanation).
In short, the contributor(s) own the intellectual property andthe Secular Pineapple label owns the right to distributethe finished product. It should be pretty obvious that thisis a mighty niche project and wouldn't normally be considereda financially-motivated venture. That said, Fractional Farthingtracks the income and expenses on every Secular Pineapple releaseand tiny bits of money do get paid out from time to timeif there's a profit (details vary by release and can be specifiedwhen the components are known).
Contact by email distro [at] fractionalfarthing [dot] com(again, NO ATTACHMENTS PLEASE, tells us what's up first).Or DM @SecularP (twitter) or @ffdistro (facebook).